
    Urban blogs and books we especially like

    Blogs and websites Jones The Planner: A series exploring architecture, urban design and planning issues in Britain’s towns and cities. Adrian Jones never pulls his punches, breathtakingly good and great reading even if you’re not an architectural expert. @jonestheplanner Urban Explorer: If Urban Rambles are much too tame for you, then give this site a go; exploring […]


    The different types of urban green spaces

    In devising great routes for urban rambles, I have tried to maximise the amount of the route through green spaces, as these typically provide the greatest pleasure, walkability and interest. In this chapter I look at all the different type of urban green spaces and consider three things: Their origin Their development Their walkability today […]


    A brief history of urban green spaces

    The green and walkable city is back (after a couple of millennia) The Romans were the first civilization to recognise the benefits of rural features within a city; from the Campus Martius that was transformed into plush parkland by Augustus, incorporating lakes and space for recreation & leisure; to the ‘horti’ (urban villas within a […]